Building on the pioneering work in cellular therapy begun in 1931 by Dr Paul Niehans, visionary physician and researcher in cell revitalisation, Clinique La Prairie has never ceased to be involved in scientific research related to senescence and associated chronic diseases. Since 1990, Clinique La Prairie collaborates with an international, multidisciplinary team of renowned scientists in immunology, biochemistry, and other disciplines, to further study the approach developed by Dr Niehans.


The last 30 years of scientific research have led to the publication numerous peer-reviewed scientific articles in internationally renowned journals. This work represents some of the most relevant scientific research of age-related changes in cytokine secretions and the immune cells involved in it. As such, Clinique La Prairie is a pioneering institution in the field of longevity and is arguably the only private institution in the world to have achieved such significant work in understanding age-related changes in the immune system and how to manage them.

Scientific Content

Age-related changes in cytokine secretions plays a critical role in immunosenescence and subsequently, in the increase of age-related cellular senescence and associated chronic diseases.   

The scientific research sponsored by Clinique La Prairie has demonstrated that its original CLP Extract extract could improve age-related changes in cytokines secretions and to restore the immune profile. Age-related changes in cytokine secretions were reversed by using a transmitter gas, that at physiologic dose, functions as a cell signalling molecule among other beneficial effects. The specific study of the different immune cell populations showed that age-related alterations in both innate and adaptative immune cell populations were involved in immunosenescence. This successful period of investigation also showed that regardless the route of CLP Extract administration used, the results obtained were similar. This laid the foundation for the oral treatment given to patients-guests today during the complete and holistic Revitalisation program.

All these results underlined that immunosenescence is not an inescapable process, and that immune cells have an enormous plasticity that could be advantageously exploited to manage cellular senescence. Furthermore, immunosenescence appeared to be more a remodelling than a decline of the immune system.



In the following years, major efforts were made to identify the interacting active compounds contained in the original CLP Extract and to further elucidate their pharmacological mechanism. Two main interacting compounds were identified: foetal haemoglobin and lipopolysaccharide (a biologically active component of specific bacterial cells). Studies have shown that they can interact together, resulting in a synergistic action promoting improvement of age-related immune system changes. Other compounds contained in the original CLP Extract, notably glutathione, have also been identified as playing a role in combatting immunosenescence.

These fundamental findings led to a patent entitled “Composition comprising Foetal Haemoglobin and Bacterial Endotoxin, and optionally Additional Foetal Liver Components” (International application No.: PCT/EP2004/00/001553).

Encouraged by these positive results, the aim of the following studies was to further investigate the beneficial effect that the original CLP Extract or some of its components could potentially have on chronic diseases such as colitis and osteoporosis, as well as in the prevention of allergy and transplant rejection. This work confirmed the observation that the actives of the original CLP Extract played a role in polarizing T-lymphocytes subsets towards a type that may have positive implication for susceptibility to allergic diseases in man.

In the applied study published in 2018, it was shown that the original CLP Extract could potentially be useful in maintaining bone structure through its anti-inflammatory action.

The formula originally created by Dr Niehans has evolved over the decades, always on the same scientific grounds and following the strictest medical safety standards. For several years now, the CLP Extract of Clinique La Prairie is a stabilized purified form that demonstrated the similar quality and benefits. It is administrated orally to patients to revitalise and regenerate cells in the week-long program called Revitalisation, in conjunction with bio-stimulants and, since 2021, new complementing formulas.

In fact, recent research has also focused on two areas. The first is a nutrigenomic strategy to detoxify cells by inducing a transcriptional factor with the ability to activate more than 3000 cytoprotective genes related to cellular detoxification and stimulation. This was delivered with a combination of 5 vegan nutraceuticals (“CLP cellular genomic REV FFS1-5 activator”) working on the immune system, the nervous system, a reduction in inflammation, gut microbiota health and sleep patterns.

The second area is the production of the “5-HMF” substance, known as a powerful antioxidant and cellular activator. Clinique La Prairie developed a natural process to produce it and integrate it into a drinkable organic plant complex (“HP-cellular active”).

Using an integrative scientific approach, all the results obtained over the last thirty years were reanalysed in the light of current knowledge in cellular senescence. This analysis has shown that the activating stem cell recruitment and differentiation as well as potential reversal of immunosenescence are mainly related to the activation of nutrient cell signalling pathways associated to health and longevity and the inhibition of those involved in chronic age-related inflammation.   

In the last 10 years, the longevity approach of Clinique La Prairie complements science with an expert holistic content. In that respect, in the Revitalisation program, the evolved Niehans science is integrated into a holistic plan of genetics, medicine, nutrition, wellbeing and movement, working together to help stimulate cell regeneration, fight the signs and causes of aging, and enhance overall mental and physical health.



Medical Consultation

Clinique La Prairie, through its unceasing commitment to research and its collaboration with scientists in the field of immunology, biochemistry, among other areas, has perpetuated the cell therapy of Dr Niehans and given it scientific credibility. This has led several granted patents that are still valid and respected in many countries of the world. The results of the Revitalisation program are proven by people returning regularly and testifying to their health. Like its pioneer Dr Niehans, Clinique La Prairie never stops believing in the science of longevity.