Grapefruit Chutney with Radish & Vanilla

Jump into spring with innovative recipe based on grapefruit, radish and vanilla

Plant-based cuisine and its incredible diversity of colors and flavors begins with sight and continues with taste for genuine sensory delight. Discover this vegan and gluten free recipe - Grapefruit Chutney with Radish & Vanilla



- 8 grapefruits
- 6 radishes
- 1 vanilla pod
- 1 shallot
- 1.5 tbsp olive oil
- 1.5tbsp white balsamic vinegar
- Espelette pepper
- White peper
- Salt

Grapefruit Chutney with Radish & Vanilla



Blanch the radishes in heavily salted water. Cut them in half and marinate them in the grapefruit juice with vanilla. Keep this juice for later.

Collect long zests, the wedges from 4 grapefruits and juice the 4 others. Blanch the zests 3 times then cook them in the juice seasoned with Espelette pepper.

Chop the shallot and cook it with the grapefruit wedges, vanilla and olive oil while covered. End with the vinegar until fully cooked.

Blanch the washed radish leaves, blend them with the olive oil and season to taste.

Finally, add the pulp in the middle of the plate, add the chutney around and place the radishes on top. Add the zests and pour the juice around the plate.

David Alessandria - Head Chef

Chef AlessandriaWith his experience acquired in starred restaurants in Belgium and Luxembourg, and at the restaurants of two renowned Swiss institutes of luxury hospitality education (Ecole Hotelière in Lausanne, Glion in Montreux), Chef David Alessandria mixes his technical expertise and his passion for healthy cuisine which he believes is the future of gastronomy.

He was awarded in 2022 the prestigious title of MOF "Meilleur Ouvrier de France" or "Best craftsman in France".

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