Ultimate longevity supplements

Holistic Health

Clinique La Prairie’s work has always been based on science and, because a key part of disease prevention is diet, the emphasis has shifted towards nutritional science with nutrigenomic supplements.

Clinique La Prairie’s longevity expertise in a capsule

As the most recent scientific research shows the importance of supplementation for a balanced living, the vision was to make a part of these nutritional technologies available to a larger number of clients, and so the Clinique La Prairie Holistic Health project was initiated, giving birth to high-performance nutraceuticals.

Holistic Health is the industry’s most sophisticated supplement range based on years of research and innovation, fully made in Switzerland.

Unlock the secret to live a longer and healthier life

Simone Gibertoni, CEO of Clinique La Prairie & Co-Founder of Holistic Health

"At Clinique La Prairie, we are dedicated to helping people live fuller, healthier and longer lives. We created our Holistic Health supplement range based on years of innovation to bring our pioneering longevity science to people’s daily routines. Holistic Health is more than a vitamin supplement, using three layers of nutrients to tackle the root causes of aging and inflammation to promote longevity."

The ultimate core longevity routine


The ultimate Holistic Health supplement is the most innovative longevity nutraceutical with immune protective and cellular-repair-enhancing action. Age-Defy protects against functional decline at a cellular level with a two-step routine:

Immunity is taken in the morning to lower inflammation and support the immune system.

Regeneressence is taken in the evening to boost healing and cellular repair during sleep.

Enhance your longevity routine according to your needs

Discover our supplements


To be taken year-round

Lowering stress levels and boosting mental clarity through a combination of 17 essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, comprising the ‘Essential Wellbeing’ morning supplement and the evening ‘Rest & Reset’ supplement to promote relaxation, and boost sleep.


To be taken year-round

Supporting cognitive function and optimizing performance, this supplement strengthens memory, enhances alertness, reduces fatigue, and promotes a feeling of endurance with B vitamins and the patented nootropic ingredient Cognivia (TM).


To be taken for two months, three times per year

Supports the natural cleansing and detoxifying process of the liver and helps to shield from oxidative stress with rich sources of plant antioxidants and vitamins.

Discover the ultimate longevity supplements backed by over 90 years of expertise.