90 years pioneering the science of longevity and immunity


The immune system has been on everyone’s mind in the past few months. It is much more than a single system that can be measured, it’s an intricate network of tissues, organs, cells, and molecular activities. Helping your immune system or boosting it mean to approach the many different components that interact with each other to accomplish their essential function to keep you strong and healthy.

Exploring how our body can empower us to live a longer, healthier and better life is at the core of Clinique La Prairie since 1931.

Dr Niehans established Clinique La Prairie for his patients to experience his revolutionary cellular ‘Revitalisation’ program, whose principles continue to be at the heart of the clinic’s work, standing the test of time.

For almost 90 years, we have been dedicated to preventative medicine combined with a holistic healthy living.

Take a look at the science behind immunity with us.


How to boost your immune system - Dr. Adrian Heini

A key mission to our health


Thanks to our immune system, we cannot fall ill from a disease that we have already had, or against which we have been vaccinated. it can be empowered by its adaptive mechanisms to reinforce its capacity of response to future threats. This ability is due to the fact that the immune system keeps track of the pathogens or malignant cells it has fought, which allows it to recognize and protect itself from them. Without immune protection, a simple scratch would be potentially fatal.

The threats are never-ending: bacteria, viruses, parasites, cuts, burns, dust, pollen and other allergens, chemical particles, heavy metals, etc. All of these pathogens are identified by our immune system as foreign to the body and therefore need to be eliminated. Part of this system is innate; from our birth, we have immune cells that constantly patrol the blood and immediately react to an alert. The other is said to be acquired, because it develops adaptively by exposure to all kinds of pathogens. It operates on the second line and more specifically. In fact, our immune system is very much structured and its lines intervene in a well-established order to accomplish their respective missions.


Well-functioning defense system


The skin, mucous membranes, lungs and urinary tract form the first barrier against attack. Sweat and tears, typically, have an elimination function. Likewise, our nasal walls are lined with tiny, vibrating cilia whose wave-like motion constantly pushes out unwanted microparticles. If this is not enough to prevent infection, a second line of defense is put in place. White blood cells, capable of engulfing microbes, move to the site of the assault and quickly send chemical signals to their rearguard to call for reinforcement.


The inflammatory response


This reaction is part of a process called an inflammatory response; it corresponds to the widening of the blood vessels, which is necessary to facilitate the massive arrival of the fighting cells. It is therefore a transient and completely normal phenomenon, even if it is accompanied by signals which may appear worrying (heat, redness, swelling and pain).

The white blood cells that arrive first are part of the innate immune system and have therefore never before been exposed to pathogens. As a result, they are not very good at distinguishing the enemy and tend to aim wide. Surgical strikes are entrusted to white blood cells belonging to the acquired immune system, B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. The B lymphocytes produce antibodies, that is to say proteins capable of pinpointing the enemy precisely in order to destroy it. T lymphocytes are responsible for cleaning the place by destroying infected cells without reaching nearby healthy cells.

Once their work is completed, a good number of the lymphocytes die, but those who survive keep a memory of their attacker, a precious faculty that science exploits for the development of vaccines.


Sufficient sleep is vital to be more resistant


This relentless fight against infectious agents is sometimes unbalanced, especially in periods of insomnia, fatigue or stress. It is well known that a good rest is essential for the proper functioning of the body. The different phases of sleep help the body to recharge its batteries, process and then store the information recorded throughout the day and somehow restore our memory. In addition, while we sleep, our body produces hormones that have a supporting effect on the immune system.

When our nights do not allow us to recover properly, our body is weakened, which predisposes it to infections. Moreover, there is sometimes a negative impact on weight, since sleep deficit tends to stimulate the secretion of the appetite-inducing hormone (called ghrelin), while inhibiting the satiety hormone (leptin). Chronic insomnia, persistent fatigue, scarring problems and/or recurrent infections (colds, cystitis, etc.) are signs likely to be linked to a weakening of the immune defenses and should therefore not be taken lightly.  Preserving your immune system is of even greater importance as you grow older, as aging is naturally accompanied by a decrease in the performance of the body's defense mechanisms against pathogens.


Proteins aid in producing cells and enzymes which fight aggressions


What you eat affects how long you live and the way you feel every day. When discussing the immune system, we mustn’t forget to include protein-rich meals, as they are essential to strong immunity.  Proteins not only counteract lean muscle loss but also contain high amounts of zinc, which aids in production of white blood cells and enzymes which fight against aggressive microbes and infections. The best protein sources are vegan (nuts, seeds and pulses) and they are also excellent for minerals and vitamins. 


Food, vitamins and probiotics are your best allies


Nutrition is your primary protector. A diet rich in seasonal fruits and vegetables helps strengthen our immune system, while reducing the oxidative stress generated by the elimination of pathogens.  Apart from Vitamin C which is of course key for the immune system, Vitamin E and Beta-carotene are also essential as antioxidant. Low levels of Vitamin D have been associated with worsening autoimmune diseases. If you are not able to get enough sunlight, you should ask for advice regarding D3 dosage.  But also, the probiotics naturally present in fermented milks (e.g. yogurts, white cheeses) and available in the form of food supplements are precious allies. Their consumption helps fight the proliferation of unwanted germs in the intestine.  Saving your digestive system therefore boosts your immune system. In fact, an increasing number of studies have established a link between a diverse microbiota and an optimal functioning of our immune defenses.



Keeping physically active and emotionally balanced is a vital factor


Many epidemiological studies show that it is possible to promote the proper functioning of our immune system by taking care of our body, by eating a healthy and balanced diet, by practicing an adapted physical activity, by limiting stressful situations, and more. When your body is stressed, it lowers your immunity and can make you feel tired, sick, sleepless and anxious. Meditation, yoga, Qi gong and self-reflection are a great way to keep your stress under control. Also, regular and sustained exercise has a multitude of benefits including decreasing inflammation and improving immune regulation (physicians recommend to avoid high intensity exercises if you have low immunity though).


You should cherish your immunity all year long

It is obviously desirable to have good immunity at all times. But everyone goes through delicate periods of heavy physical, nervous or intellectual solicitation. This increased immune stress often coincides with the start of a new season (influenza in winter, spring allergies, summer skin rash, ...), but it can happen at any time of the year, depending on life events and of course on unique health situation like the Covid-19. It is important to have a year-long mindful approach to sustain your body with preventative efforts to alert the immune system for the time of contact with pathogens.

A holistic approach under medical supervision


Although it is possible to preserve your immune system through a healthy lifestyle, trying to intensify it without medical supervision is not recommended. The immune system features many different components : helping one component might impair another, or boosting a certain one may have nothing to do with your needs.

The techniques and therapies are the result of numerous years of scientific research in our experts’ fields of specialization.

At Clinique La Prairie, we believe in a preventive approach that integrates the following four aspects: medical, nutritional, physical activity and well-being. Our programs are therefore based on a conception of preventive medicine in the broadest sense of the term and which takes into account the most recent information in the field of immunity. We offer you a comprehensive medical check-up with, among other things, a detailed history, laboratory analyses, medical imaging examinations and predictive genetic tests. This holistic approach allows us to provide you with personalized recommendations to help you live long and healthy lives.



rev pub

8 exercices to keep moving

Fitness CLP

Our fitness coaches created short movements videos to get your energy levels up while you can not make a trip to the gym. Push yourself and remember: even small amounts of exercise, when carried out with intensity, can benefit your physical and mental wellbeing. Start your workout now with these 4 easy ways to keep moving at home

Serie 1

1/ Single leg back – Hip flexion
• Benefits: Improves flexibility and balance
• Timing: 10 to 20 times per leg – repeat the exercise 3 times

2/Elevated Push-ups - version 2
• Benefits: Pectoral, triceps and shoulders strengthening
• Timing: 10 to 20 pushups – repeat the exercise 3 times

3/ Triceps dips with a chair
• Benefits: Improves strength, posture and chest opening
• Timing: 10 to 20 times – Repeat the exercise 3 times

4/Abdominal Knees up
• Benefits: Improves upper body strength
• Timing: 20 times – Repeat the exercise 3 times

Serie 2

1. Seated Squats
- Objective: Thigh strengthening
- Benefits: Cardiovascular benefits, improves your legs muscles
- Timing: 10 to 20 squats – repeat the exercise 3 times

2. Assisted Lunge
- Objectives: Glutes and quadriceps strengthening
- Benefits: Improves hips flexibility and general balance
- Timing: 10 to 16 times per legs – repeat the exercise 2 times

3. Elevated Pectoral Push-ups
- Objectives: Pectoral, triceps and shoulders strengthening
- Benefits: Improves upper body strength
- Timing: 10 to 20 pushups – repeat the exercise 3 times

4. Biceps with knees up
- Objectives: Biceps strengthening
- Benefits: Improves balance, posture and coordination
- Timing: 20 times – Repeat the exercise 3 times

Stuffed button mushrooms with cauliflower cream

Stuffed button mushrooms with cauliflower cream
Stuffed button mushrooms with cauliflower cream

What if one of the greatest keys to living a long & healthy life were on our plates?

Plant-based cuisine and its incredible diversity of colors and flavors begins with sight and continues with taste for genuine sensory delight. Discover this vegan and gluten free recipe - Stuffed button mushrooms with cauliflower cream.

Stuffed button mushrooms with cauliflower cream


- 6 white mushrooms
- 3 tbsp firm plain tofu
- 1 full tsp olives taggiasche (or any black olive rich in flavour)
- 1 tbsp rehydrated porcini
- 1tbsp roasted hazelnuts
- Juice of half lemon
- Zest of 1 lemon
- Mix of herbs (chive, thyme, marjoram, origano or any herb you like)
- Half cauliflower




• Step 1 - Prepare the cauliflower puree: boil the cauliflower then puree in a blender with salt and olive oil.

• Step 2- Prepare the basic stuffing for the mushrooms : mix the tofu with lemon juice, salt, pepper, olive oil and water to obtain tofu cream. Next add the crushed tempeh to the mixture along with some chopped herbs.

• Step 3 - Divide the basic stuffing into 3 and then stuff the mushrooms.
Stuffing 1 : add the chopped taggiasche olives.
Stuffing 2 : add the chopped rehydrated ceps.
Stuffing 3 : add the crushed roasted hazelnuts.

• Step 4 - Steam the stuffed mushrooms for around 2 minutes.

• Step 5 - Put the heated cauliflower cream on a deep plate and place the stuffed mushrooms on top. Before serving, decorate the plate with a mix of shoots and/or flowers.

Sara Bussetti - Head Chef at Clinique La Prairie

Chef Clinique La Prairie

With her wealth of experience acquired in the most prestigious houses, chef Sara Bussetti mixes her technical expertise and her passion for the cuisine of tomorrow: light, gluten free or lactose free, respectful of the ingredients whilst being healthy and tasty.

Discover Clinique La Prairie's restaurant 



How to boost your immune system?

How to boost your immune system?
How to boost your immune system?

Dietetic recommendations

Nutrition plays an important preventative role in maintaining health. Consuming a variety of food, you gain from thousands of phytochemicals acting together to help provide you protection against inflammation, oxidative stress, poor gut microbiome and low immune system.


How to boost your immune system

Phytochemicals in cranberries are well known for its anti-oxidative and antimicrobial activities, increasing innate immunity and resistance to infection. Proanthocyanidins, a bioactive compound  of cranberries enhance immune response and might promote healthy aging.



How to boost your immune system

Pomegranate is an abundant source of various bioactive compounds with numerous beneficial  health effects. The beneficial effects of pomegranate constituents are associated with the  components: ellagic acid, ellagitannins, punicic acid, anthocyanidins, anthocyanins, and flavones  which seem to have the strong therapeutic effects. The healing properties of pomegranate include  antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumoral effects. 

How to boost your immune system

Green tea has been shown to increase lifespan and stress resistance, protecting against oxidative  processes and tumor formation. Green tea contains a unique amino acid, I-theanine, reported to promote longevity through its antioxidant properties. Polyphenolic catechins of green tea may exhibit health benefits including the prevention of neurodegenerative and heart diseases. 

How to boost your immune system

Selenium is a crucial element which is needed for both natural and acquired immune system. Selenium is an important cofactor of selenoproteins, important for regulating immune defense. Mains sources of selenium are brazil nuts, oysters, mussels, seeds. 

How to boost your immune system

Sweet potato, pumpkin, papaya and mango consist in high amounts of beta-carotene, a fat soluble compound which gives the orange-yellow color to these ingredients. Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, an important immunomodulator that enhance the defense mechanism through stimulating the immune cells, showing significant immune boosting effect. 

Master Detox Program

master detox

Experience the profound wellbeing that comes with a thoroughly cleansed and purified system, a rested body, and perfect mental balance. This life-changing cure harnesses the power of genetics, cellular and nutritional science, combined with the latest medicinal technologies in a program tailored to your exact DNA and health profile. You’ll be amazed how much stronger, healthier and full of vitality you can feel!


An exclusive footwear line for Clinique La Prairie


Clinique La Prairie has partnered with GNL to design a unique edition of footwear.

Both conscious and engaged in a holistic healthy lifestyle, Clinique La Prairie and GNL offer customers an optimal solution for attractive daily footwear.  This special CLP SMART KIT SNEAKERS edition involves the use of a special smart yarn for the upper to make the shoe even more comfortable, and sport black vegan leather for an elegant touch.  Handmade in Europe, with forward-thinking sustainability, the shoes aims improve the comfort for men and women on a daily basis, suited for all occasions – be it for the gym, walking around town, at work or travelling.



Unique technology

The shoes are designed with a special sole that contains 16 cushioning elements that stimulate the nervous system when you walk and increase the muscle activity. The cushioning elements move freely and retract into the sole when you walk, which give an optimal powerful push off. The same sole cushioning elements also work when you are standing still, giving your body an ‘active stance’, which in turn allows for a better posture, increased muscle activity, as well as blood circulation, and reduced strain on your joints. The shoes have been rewarded by EMPA St. Gallen, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (an ETH research institute), and the Heeluxe Lab, Scientific Center for the Study of Footwear, in California, USA.

The CLP SMART KIT edition is exclusively available at Clinique La Prairie. Find out more about GNL craftsmanship and technology on https://gnlfootwear.com/












Detox Russian Salad


Food is about pleasure and taste and healthy eating should not be any different.

Our dieticians, doctors and chefs work together to provide nutritional coaching so our guests are aware of what they eat and the sensations it gives them. Locally sourced ingredients arrive at dawn and are turned into spectacular, tailor-made culinary marvels all day long. Discover this delicious vegan, gluten free and healthy Detox Russian Salad made of finest ingredients to give your body all the nutrients it needs. 




Celery branch
Green beans
Snow peas
Amalfi lemon zests
Maldon salt flakes
Vegan mayonnaise


Filippo Tawil - Head Chef at Clinique La Prairie

Filippo TawilWith his wealth of experience acquired in the most prestigious houses, chef Filippo Tawil mixes his technical expertise and his passion for the cuisine of tomorrow: light, gluten free or lactose free, respectful of the ingredients whilst being healthy and tasty.

Discover Clinique La Prairie's restaurant 

Smoothie Bowl with red fruits & blue Spirulina

Smoothie Bowl
Smoothie Bowl

Food is about pleasure and taste and healthy eating should not be any different.

Our dieticians, doctors and chefs work together to provide nutritional coaching so our guests are aware of what they eat and the sensations it gives them. Locally sourced ingredients arrive at dawn and are turned into spectacular, tailor-made culinary marvels all day long. Discover this delicious vegan, gluten free and healthy Smoothie Bowl recipe made of finest ingredients to give your body all the nutrients it needs. 

Smoothie Bowl


- Home made almond milk
- Blue spirulina
- Red pitaya
- White dragon fruit
- Raspberries
- Strawberries
- Blackberries
- Goji berries with rooibos tea
- Peppermint fresh mint

Smoothie Bowl
Smoothie Bowl
Smoothie Bowl

Filippo Tawil - Head Chef at Clinique La Prairie

Filippo TawilWith his wealth of experience acquired in the most prestigious houses, chef Filippo Tawil mixes his technical expertise and his passion for the cuisine of tomorrow: light, gluten free or lactose free, respectful of the ingredients whilst being healthy and tasty.

Discover Clinique La Prairie's restaurant 

Mango Ceviche

mango ceviche
mango ceviche

What you eat affects how long you live and the way you feel every day.

Good nutrition promotes healthy aging by reinforcing your immune system, by protecting your brain, by playing a role in building your muscles, and by feeding your skin, joints and vessels. Discover this delicious vegan, gluten free and healthy Mango Ceviche recipe made of finest ingredients to give your body all the nutrients it needs. 

ceviche mango



Fresh Avocado
Fresh Mango
Shiso shoots (red & green)
Cannara onions


Leche de Tigre 
Lime juice

Chia Red Sauce 
Habanero chili juice
Red bell pepper juice
Chia seeds

ceviche 2
ceviche 1

Filippo Tawil - Head Chef at Clinique La Prairie

Filippo Tawil

With his wealth of experience acquired in the most prestigious houses, chef Filippo Tawil mixes his technical expertise and his passion for the cuisine of tomorrow: light, gluten free or lactose free, respectful of the ingredients whilst being healthy and tasty.

Discover Clinique La Prairie's restaurant 




Partner 1
At the forefront of precision medicine, the Swiss company Gene Predictis joins forces with Clinique La Prairie to develop specific and unique genetic tests to establish predictive diagnosis, paving the way to highly personalized medical programs.



Partner 3

LunaJets, World-class private jet service partners with us. Combining innovative technology and the highest standards of personalised services, LunaJets can charter a private jet to fly you to either airport to Montreux, or organize any private jet flight for you, from business flights to weekend getaways, from urgent last minute flights to long haul transatlantic flights.



Traveller Made

Partner 3

Traveller Made® is a network of luxury travel designers dedicated to providing unique and exclusive bespoke journeys to travellers looking for different and original experiences, requiring skilled and knowledgeable advisors who are committed to fully servicing their clients.