The pioneers of longevity

Live healthier, live fuller, live longer

We believe scientific innovation is the catalyst for human potential

Longevity is a unique destination so your journey must begin with understanding

We start with multi-disciplinary medical specialists and assessments to understand exactly what your body needs, from these results we can create your plan and tailor the program for optimum results.

How we deliver

Understanding leads to effective intervention to defy the future

Our longevity method is based on a holistic and preventative approach targeting senoinflammation and boosts immunity using the elements of our ‘four pillars’ philosophy: medical, nutrition, wellbeing and movement.

  1. Medical
  2. Nutrition
  3. Wellbeing
  4. Movement


Reduce inflammation to revive the body

We address inflammatory responses linked to genetic predisposition or lifestyle factors like nutrition and stress, which can lead to various complications and diseases. Epigenetics plays a crucial role in longevity, with factors like diet, sleep, exercise, and lifestyle choices influencing gene modifications. At Clinique La Prairie, our programs focus on natural methods that act at the cellular level, promoting balanced gene expressions that produce longevity-associated proteins rather than senescence.


Innovation and science to boost immunity

Developing good internal defenses is also essential as specific contexts bring our immune system to sometimes shift towards a negative imbalance. Our method includes medical insights and treatments, as well as food supplements, to bring that response to the optimum level.

Each program includes a broad-spectrum approach to health, and a profound belief that longevity is created and maintained in the balance of mind, body and spirit. Leading doctors and therapists personally oversee our programs, following our philosophy and the latest science to enhance your life to the fullest potential.