Knowledge and understanding of the human genetics have tremendously increased over the last 30 years, notably due to the technology developments such as diverse genetic arrays and next generation sequencing. The elucidation of the human genome allowed subsequently to sequence the genome of a big number of individuals and diverse human ethnicities, to compare them among each other, to establish a haplotype map of the human genome and, to identify sequences that are related to a disease development.
The DNA sequence of any two people is 99.9 percent identical. The variations, however, may greatly affect an individual's risk to develop a disease.
Over the last few years, Gene Predictis has developed diverse genetic tests specifically for Clinique La Prairie, allowing to the Clinic to establish a highly personalized follow-up for its clients, as well as to propose them a highly personalized disease prevention. These tests are based upon proprietary algorithms and target complex diseases or complex traits that are determined at the same time by one or multiple genetic variants and the environment (e.g. food intolerances, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, nutrition, ageing...). Development of a complex disease depends on the equilibrium between the risk and the protective factors which may be genetically or environmentally determined. This postulate is the basis for actionable preventive treatments – one cannot change his or her genes, but can change lifestyle according to his/her genetics and thus act to decrease the risk of the disease development.